Sunday, March 11, 2012

YOU SHALL NOT PAAAASSSSSS!!! (Part 4) (That’s right, there’s more)

                Lecture time, for my class that is. Chef is talking about how facebook and texting have begun to diminish the way we interact when face to face when Student F makes one of those comments that make you think “Whaaaat?”

“Chef you’re totally right, some people are like so dumb, they think facebook is like real ya know?” –Student F
WOW. As opposed to what? Facebook is a figment of everyone’s imagination?

In another lecture Chef was discussing how after WWII food companies would put dye in non-organic  so people knew if what they were buying was processed or not. He eventually asked us if anyone knew what color margarine originally was. Hands shot up, yellow and white were the two colors that came out of everyone’s mouths. Chef just smiled and said “Nope, It was bright pink.” Of course now everyone is thinking hmm….. didn’t know that one. Here comes the monkey wrench in lecture. 

“Oh I didn’t know that. Are you sure chef?” – Student F.  
Everyone looked at each other like did someone really ask chef that question.
Chef whips around, “Yes I’m sure, what… why would you even ask me that…. ya know what don’t answer that. You only have one question left for the day.”

Needless to say, Student F should probably be put down. It’s for the best. -5 points for stupidity. 

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