Saturday, March 10, 2012

Follow the Bouncing Student

          Working in a class with eighteen to twenty student, I realize that there are some who will eventually get on my nerves with what they do or how they go about doing it. This is so in the case of one student in particular. Don't get me wrong, the fellow classmate is extraordinarily smart and works hard and performed their externship at one of the most renown restaurants in the United States. Unfortunately, said classmate drives me up the proverbial wall.

            Outside of class we are good friends and can chat and have a good time, but the methods that this particular classmate uses can only be described as if took a compulsive, crazed rodent and introduced it to cocaine. Something like this, but in a chef jacket and checkered pants.

             The classmate fly's around the class bouncing around the kitchen like hes being chased by some wily beast that will he them up if they stop moving. The smallest tasks end up looking like a marathon or a workout of some sort. To top it all off, the student gives other people advice on how to do everything because that's the way  it should be done and because it's quicker. When witnessing said student mince or dice a product, their nose is so close to the cutting board that if their not careful they might end up hearing something along the lines of "HEY, there's a nose in my food!" But then again, hey, free nose.

             Let me start my retort by saying, just because you want to get a workout and you use every muscle in you body to complete a simple task such as moving plates back and forth does not make it quicker.What is may do is make you look silly and I'm not sure if your trying to do your job or invent the next version of the electric slide, but to each his own i suppose. If it works for you, then it works. But please, don't try to superimpose it on the rest of us. -5 points for stupidity

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